Disorder Closed Beta Test Incoming!


Disorder Closed Beta Test Incoming!

Post on:2019-07-26

  The Closed Beta Test for Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia and Philippines will be available for Google Play and Test Flight!

  Opening Date: August 1(GMT +8)

  Indonesia / Thailand: Opens at 10 A.M. (GMT +7)

  Malaysia / Philippines: Opens at 11A.M. (GMT +8)

  Join the warfare with friends and prepare for a fierce battle!️

  Official Sites

  Pre-register now: https://www.playdisorder.com

  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/playdisorder/

  Discord: https://discord.gg/disorder

  Twitter(EN): https://twitter.com/disorderen

  Twitter(JP): https://twitter.com/letsdisorder​


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In Disorder, war has become the new normal. What will you do once you enter? We're excited to find out.

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